What Types of GIFs Work Best to Boost your Brand Identity?

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From quickly grabbing the audience’s attention, arousing emotions, and telling a story through GIFs to boost your brand identity, Gifs help in marketing campaigns like a fire. Using GIFs while communicating with your customers helps you have long-lasting and unforgettable relationships. 

However, you must know which GIFs to use where; otherwise, it’s hard to get the expected results. So, if you’re looking for what types of GIFs work best for your brand, here is a detailed guide to help you with it. 

Get to Know Which GIFs Help Your Brand the Most

80% of people are confused about which type of GIFs they should use in 2022 for their business marketing. However, the simple answer is using all GIF types proves helpful. Animation, Video, and Stickers are the three main types of GIFs. 

So determining the kind that will swiftly attract your audience and using it, is the real concern. And we are here to help you with it. 

Video-Based GIFs 

Video-based GIFs are often used in conversation as “Reaction GIFs” to express emotion and feelings. However, some marketers apply this GIF form in emails, blog posts, websites, and forums. 

Creating video-based GIFs is also simple; thereby, it’s commonly applied by many social media marketers. 

Using video-based GIFs properly on different social media platforms will lift up your business marketing campaign. Yet, you need to know which social media feature to use so you can effectively reach the target audience. Check out the following content to know where it can prove useful to use Video-based GIFs to boost your brand identity:

  • Instagram Stories:

Uploading GIFs in Instagram stories attracts and engages the audience. So, use brand-customized GIFs and attract your audience easily. 

  • Post GIFs on Facebook:

Posting GIFs in status updates or comments/replies help you grab the audience’s attention and engage them with your brand. However, your video GIFs must be catchy enough to entice the audience; otherwise, they’ll lose interest in it. 

  • Twitter Comment:

Twitter is a spark of conversation. And uploading GIFs on this platform is the best marketing strategy. However, updating the pre-made common GIFs doesn’t result well. So you need to use your brand-customized GIFs following your brand theme on it. 

Animation-Based GIFs

From conveying a brand message creatively and playfully and reaching the consumers in their conversation in messages apps to building relations with them, Animation-based GIFs are a great marketing strategy to boost your brand identity. 

This type of GIF helps to effectively convey the brand’s message by using stunning graphics since its GIF format isn’t “human, it’s playful. 

Uploading Animation-based GIFs on different social media platforms will prove useful in your marketing strategies. Look at the following content to know where it’ll prove useful to upload Animation-based GIFs. 

  • Use Sticker Instagram Story Platform:

The best feature of Instagram stories is to share GIFs through them. Instagram also allows you to share your story worldwide. So uploading animated Gifs in your Instagram story will help you properly convey your message to the target audience. 

  • Use GIFs on Your Chatbot:

Using GIFs in the chatbot will give you a sound idea about your brand customers. It also helps you calm down your angry customers. However, the GIFs must be unique and memorable to keep the customers with your brand. 

  • Use Gifs on Facebook:

From Facebook groups, pages, and status updates to Facebook massagers, you can use Animated GIFs anywhere for marketing purposes and promote your brand awareness.

Sticker GIFs

Also known as “rectangular GIFs”, Sticker GIFs are totally different from videos and animated GIFs. Sticker GIFs don’t look like real stickers; they’re digital stickers that brands use on social media. Commonly, Stickers are uploaded on Instagram stories, Massager Chat, Slack, and Whatsapp. 

When your pre-existing customers share your brand sticker GIFs with their network, it surprisingly boosts your marketing and helps you gain more customers. Sticker GIFs are usually used for the following platforms:

  • Sticker GIFs in Twitter Reply:

By using sticker GIFs in conversation, you can directly communicate with your audience to build long-lasting relations with them. However, many brands use already available GIFs that don’t prove helpful. To keep your audience engaged with your brand, you must upload customized sticker GIFs to evoke their emotions and feelings. 

  • Use GIFs in Apps:

Using Sticker GIFs in apps like Whatsapp, Facebook Massager, or Slack helps you create friendly behavior with your customers. You can also use your brand’s logo in stickers, so whenever your customers share these stickers with others, it benefits your brand, and you get more consumers. 

Bottom Line 

From video-based and animation to stickers, you can use GIFs of your choice to build up your brand identity. However, you must know which GIFs format to use where; otherwise, all of your efforts will in vain. For example, video-based GIFs in Instagram stories can be more beneficial than sticker GIFs. So read out the article and get to know what types of GIFs work best for your brand. 

If you like this article and want to make your brand famous. Yes, you can do that easily, just by sharing Branded Gifs on social media. Here, you can read the detailed guide on How To Publish GIFs on Social Media Sites?


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