Video Landing Pages – Best Practices To Boost Conversion

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95% of marketers believe that a landing page helps you quickly convert website visitors into customers. So, getting potential clients without a landing page isn’t possible. However, your landing page must be grabbing enough to quickly attract the target audience. 

And to make a landing page result-driven, you need to incorporate quality videos/GIFs in it as visual content quickly grabs the attention compared to words. 

So, if you want to know the importance of a landing page and are videos or GIFs better for landing page conversation, read out the full article: 


Research approved that a video conveys information 700% faster than written content.
So, using a video on the landing page will surprisingly boost conversions

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is designed for a specific purpose to encourage visitors to take a particular action. It can be organically ranked using SEO strategies or reach the audience using paid Google or social media ads. 

Your landing page will be successful if the visitors take the desired action, whether it’s improving the website CTR or boosting sales. 

Types of Video Landing Pages

The landing page is divided into two types:

1. Lead Capture Landing Pages:

A lead capture landing page captures the information about the lead i.e. name, email, phone number, etc. Customer lands at the lead capture after finding interest in your product or service and wanting to know further information. 

For example:

Ebooks, Whitepapers, free trials, or discount coups are the primary form of this type of landing page. or FireEye websites have lead capture landing pages.

2. Click Through Landing Pages:

The main purpose of this type of landing page is to make sales rather than to collect information. Click through the landing page only has the call to action button to click on. 

For example:

E-Commerce stores usually use this landing page type with the sale pitch “Buy Now” and “Book a Call”. 

3. Infomercial Landing Pages:

Infomercial landing pages are full of jargon, keywords, and sales phrases to convince customers to buy the product.

For example:

Software companies like HubSpot or Blacklinko use these types of infomercial landing pages.

4. Viral Landing Pages:

It is a landing page that promotes marketing through social networks. The goal is to urge the visitors to sign up on the landing page and tells their friend about it. 

For example:

Some remarkable examples of Viral landing pages are Unbounce, IMPACT Branding and Design. 

5. Microsites:

A microsite is a small website that promotes a company’s product, service, event, or campaign. 

For example:

The best Microsite examples are Emojipedia, HubSpot, and Spotify.

6. Product Detail Landing Pages:

It is a page on a website that contains all the information about the product for sale. 

For example:

E-commerce stores and digital product online stores use product detail landing pages to offer their product. 

7. Homepage as a Landing Page:

Both the home page and landing page serves a different purpose. If you have a website, visitors can land on the homepage, but it doesn’t qualify as a landing page.


How to Create a Result-Driven Landing Page?

It doesn’t mean that you just need to create a landing page, and it’ll help you get the expected target audience quickly. Your landing page must be attractive enough to quickly grab the audience’s attention and entice them to take a specific action. So, you need to ensure the following points on the landing page:

  • Choose a landing page design and conduct A/B testing to know which design performs better and proceed to the following process accordingly.
  • Use copywriting formulas to persuade the audience to deliver their information to you.

Now, you have a good understanding of the fundamentals of a landing page. Let’s discuss how videos or GIFs are better for landing page conversions.

Choose the Landing Page Video Type

However, first, you must determine which video form will be perfect for your landing page format and brand theme. The given are the most important forms of videos that you can check to select which one will be helpful for your landing page:

Explainer Videos
This video type explains how a particular product will solve the user’s problems.
Promo Videos
Describing what the users will get by filling out a form on the landing page is called a promo video.
Demo Videos
Providing the proof of a product’s value and explaining how it works is called demo videos.
Testimonial Videos
This video format is used to express the social proof of a product to convince the users. 

Benefits of Using Videos on Landing Page 

Unlike images and written content, a landing page with video delivers unexpected results and surprisingly boosts the conversion rate. So, read to know how videos are good for landing page conversion:

1. Improve Conversion Rate:

Over 83% of the conversion rate is increased by using videos in the content. The Email open rate increases by 19% and CTR (click-through rate) improves by 65% by using only a single word “video” in the subject line. 

Videos help you connect emotionally with your target audience and explain your product’s benefits more effectively. 

2. High Website Ranking:

Over 86% of marketers believe that a video organically increases the website’s ranking. So, make sure to add an SEO-optimized video to your website. Moreover, it’s also useful to add a “share button” in your video so everyone can easily share it and you get a good amount of traffic through it.

3. Increase Credibility:

Watching something with eyes about how it works is better than explaining it through words. People will be more compile to your product if they watch a video about it. 

So, using video on the landing page will increase your brand awareness and convinces the audience to trust your products to buy. 

💡 Things to consider when Adding Videos to Landing Page

If you want to add a video to a landing page that boosts conversion, in reality, considering the following points will prove helpful: 

Add a Catchy CTA (Call-To-Action): 

Your video must have a CTA so you can get the expected results through your landing page. However, make sure that your CTA doesn’t sound like a lengthy procedure and must be catchy enough that the user loves to proceed with the next step.

The common words for a CTA are “Buy Now”, “Download Now, “Sign Up” and so on. Use the one that you find suitable for your particular intent/purpose.

Use a Video Player Service: 

Upload your videos on a well-known platform like Youtube or Wistia. Now, you can embed the link of your video from this platform to your landing page to help the user easily play the video.

Keep It Short: 

Keep your videos short because it easily gets loaded on a website without impacting its speed and increasing the bounce rate. Also, a short video doesn’t distract a user and keeps him/her engaged. 

It’s recommended that a 30-second video is perfect for promotional videos, 60 seconds for an explainer, and a good testimonial video is based on 90 seconds. 

Add Captions & On-Screen Text:

According to Facebook, 85% of its videos are being watched without turning on the sound. So, it’ll prove beneficial to include captions and on-screen text in your video so that the audience can easily understand it even if it’s in mute mode. 

Moreover, there are many countries where people aren’t native to the English language that’s why adding text to the video will help them grasp the video’s main idea properly. 

Bottom Line 

From what is the visual landing page, and the benefits of adding videos in the landing page, to the best practices of using videos in a landing page, every query is resolved about your question on why are videos or GIFs better for landing page conversion. 

So, follow the explained points and quickly boost your landing page conversion. However, don’t forget to comment in the feedback section if you find this information helpful. 


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